Martin St. Mixed Use
For this project my studio worked with Raleigh architecture firm Clearscapes and Legal Aid of North Carolina to reimagine the historic Union Depot located in Raleigh's warehouse district. In the recently updated City of Raleigh Downtown Master Plan, the warehouse district along with Nash Square and surrounding blocks were identified as providing "catalytic opportunities" for significant transformation of the capital city. Our objective was to revitalize the deteriorating Union Depot while also utilizing the rest of the half block site to provide affordable housing for a targeted Raleigh community. The community I chose to design for was our ever increasing homeless population. Through my design I repurposed the Union Depot station as a restaurant that would utilize greens grown on site in the neighboring grocery/indoor agriculture building. This building would not only provide income for the homeless residents but also job training and food security. The affordable units would help be subsidized by both market rate units and the onsite grocery.
Class: Public Interest Design Studio
Instructor: Bryan Bell